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RED Technologies files for ESC Administrator status with FCC in the 3550-3700 MHz CBRS band

RED Technologies, a leading developer of innovative dynamic spectrum management solutions, has been deeply involved in the regulation framework evolutions that enabled LSA (Licensed Shared Access). Through our engagement with the ECC and CEPT, we follow and influence spectrum sharing policies while leading LSA standardization activities at ETSI and 3GPP. Our award-winning company now holds 25 patents and is the premier enabler of LSA with its cloud-based spectrum sharing solution already piloted with global telecoms players across multiple European terrains. In the US, RED Technologies is a board member of the Wireless Innovation Forum and has actively contributed to the development of CBRS and the SAS (Spectrum Access System) standard.

Today, further to our SAS passing 100% of ITS certification tests for CBRS with our commercial partner in the United States, we are pleased to announce that we have lodged our application with the FCC to operate our own ESC network (Environment Sensing Capability) to further complement our competitive offer. An ESC network, where needed, guaranties that incumbent transmissions, including those from the U.S. Navy in the CBRS band, are kept interference-free.

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