Cloud based Spectrum Access System
In the US, a new regulatory approach has emerged, allowing spectrum sharing according to a three-tier hierarchy.
Under this approach,
Tier-1 incumbent users (e.g., federal users) receive the highest priority and protection from harmful interference;
Tier-2 primary access licensees (PAL) must register deployments and use in a database and receive a certain level of quality of service protections, possibly in exchange for fees;
Tier-3 general authorized access (GAA) users are allowed opportunistic access to unoccupied spectrum to the extent that no Tier-1 or Tier-2 users are actually using a given frequency band in a specific geographical area or time period.
This model can provide capacity extension to carriers mobile network operators on a co primary basis (quasi-licensed), new business cases such as local businesses owning spectrum in a small geographic area, or license-by rule usage of spectrum such as for cellular off-loading.
Easy, Fast, Secure CBRS deployments.
At RED Technologies, our comprehensive technological spectrum sharing solutions help industry leading companies and smaller actors meeting their broadband needs and achieve greater success. Our platform has a wide range of features that were created with an aim to facilitate CBRS deployments, wether your organization is a Mobile Network Operator, a Cable Operator, a Wireless Internet Provider, an Enterprise or a Vertical. RED Technologies is continually building upon its technology, so stay in touch to learn about upgrades and other changes. For a free demo, contact us today.

Tier-1 and Tier-2 protection
Tier-1 incumbent users protected by “exclusion zones”
Incumbent users are protected thanks to exclusion zones defined depending upon the operating area of primary system receivers.
A Tier-1 exclusion zone is a geographical area within which Tier-2 & Tier-3 system transmitters will not be allowed to transmit.
Tier-2 Primary Access Licensees protected by “protection zones”
A Tier-2 protection zone is a geographical area within which Tier-2 system receivers will not be subject to harmful interference caused by Tier-3 users. This zone is further characterized by the maximum field strength level defined for the protection of the primary system receivers. The extent of the protection zone can address the protection of one or several receivers located within a defined area and optionally protect confidentiality of exact secondary system locations.
Within a Tier-2 protection zone, the aggregated electromagnetic field strength level emitted by Tier-3 users should not exceed a defined value E (in dBuV/m/MHz) at a defined height above ground level.
Tier-3 general authorized access (GAA)
GAA users have the lowest prioritization, they access tier-3 spectrum. GAA allows for only low power transmission.
Tier-2 and Tier-3 dynamic spectrum vacation
Tier-2 commercial users and tier-3 GAA users allow for full vacancy of tier-1 spectrum. Spectrum vacation is realized upon detection of an incumbent by the environmental sensing capability network.