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RED Technologies accelerates its 5G plan in unlicensed spectrum with French Government support

Paris, France, January 17, 2022 - the French Government recently announced an acceleration strategy dedicated to 5G and future networks. Cedric O, Minister for Digital Transition and Electronic Communications, announced that RED Technologies has been selected through its "DAT 5G" (Democratizing Access to 5G Technology) project to develop a cloud based 5G NR-U platform to provide industrial SMEs and mid-caps with low cost 5G connectivity using unlicensed spectrum.

RED will offer a plug and play E2E 5G connectivity managed solution for private networks at a competitive cost. The solution will be fully integrated (RAN & CORE) and composed of 5G NR-U, Open-RAN RU and BBU, 5G-CORE SA, and MEC.

DAT-5G will add to the recent company’s filing before the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to become an Automated Frequency Coordination (AFC) System operator. RED Technologies foresees the global application of the AFC including North America, Middle East and in Europe where discussions started last week in ECC's Working Group Frequency Management (WG FM).

RED has extensive experience in building innovative cloud-based solutions, and is already serving numerous customers in the US with its Spectrum Access System (SAS) for CBRS through a partnership with Amdocs. Moreover, RED Technologies is currently passing FCC certification to become an independent SAS administrator.

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